- Peace Garden: And so it begins...

And so it begins...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Iran 'shoots down unmanned plane'.

RAN had shot down an unmanned surveillance plane in the south amid reports that the United States is planning military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities, a press report said today.
"This plane had taken off from Iraq and was filming border areas," a report in the hardline Jumhuri Eslami newspaper said.
It added the Islamic Republic "officials have obtained information from the plane system and recordings", without giving any further details.
This occurs and the buildup continues as dire wranings are given. Even our pal Mubarak of Egypt warns
...most Shiites across the Arab world are loyal to Iran first rather than the countries where they live.
"There are Shiites in all these countries (of the region), significant percentages, and Shiites are mostly always loyal to Iran and not the countries where they live."
So if we bomb and attack Iran, we open a Pandora's Box (again)?

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