- Peace Garden: Terrorists Thwarted?

Terrorists Thwarted?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Official: Radicals wanted to create carnage at Fort Dix

"The philosophy that supports and encourages jihad around the world against Americans came to live here in New Jersey and threaten the lives of our citizens through these defendants," New Jersey U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie said at a news conference Tuesday.
Next thing we'll be instituting a color-coded terror alert system....ooops, been there, done that.

One week after the veto - how timely!

Let's read closely the closing lines of the article...

While authorities are glad to have arrested them, the individuals are "hardly hard-core terrorists," one law enforcement source said. Another source said that while the allegations are "troubling," they are "not the type that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up."
Who said that? Won't be employed too much longer. Those comments fly in the face of "they'll follow our troops home" logic. I'll bet we see many more arrests before the 4th of July. Have to justify "fear" and justify the war some how - even if we overstate some things a little.

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