Isn't this just great...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Seymour Hersh: US Indirectly Funding Al-Qaeda Linked Sunni Groups in Move to Counter Iran
It’s not as if we’re ever going to find any evidence that American money went to any Sunni terrorist jihadist groups in Lebanon, which I allege. There is no direct connection. What there is is a flood of American money, none of it approved by Congress, into the government of Lebanon, which is Sunni. The government of Prime Minister Siniora. And they, in turn, funnel it into various -- at least three different Sunni jihadist groups.It reminds me of that handshake Rummy had with Saddam a few years ago. Yesterday's enemy is today's friend is tomorrow's enemy. Need a program book to keep track of all the changes. Bin Laden is enemy #1, no wait it's Saddam, no now it's North Korea, no it's Iran, wait I see Sweden rearing its head into the lead. Yes Sweden - they gave us Abba - but we all know Abba is Aramaic for "father" - yes the father of all terrorism. Damn those northern Europeans! Read more...