- Peace Garden: Meanwhile, Back in Iraq...

Meanwhile, Back in Iraq...

Friday, January 07, 2005

Our thoughts have been with those in South Asia. 150,000 lost... if not more. Devastation...villages wiped out...villages saved that took heed of nature's warning. Amazing.

Our eyes and ears were on Senator Boxer and the Congress as the Ohio debacle was brought to the floor. Sure W won, but at least those that watch C-Span saw and heard impassioned and true Americans fighting for our voting rights.

Meanwhile, Back in Iraq... it's the SOS. Still the quagmire...still more deaths...still more bombs...still no sign of ending. Now with the election drawing closer, the "experts" are predicting the worst battles/conflicts ever. Wow, encouraging words huh?

”As a result of its initial miscalculations, misdirected planning, and inadequate preparation, Washington has lost the Iraqi people's confidence and consent, and it is unlikely to win them back.." So what the hell are we still doing there?

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