- Peace Garden: Cindy Sheehan Takes on the Democrats, Hillary Clinton

Cindy Sheehan Takes on the Democrats, Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Village Voice reports on Cindy Sheehan's talk at St. John the Divine.

When Sheehan assumed center stage, she kept her focus on Bush, calling him “a liar” whose “reckless, callous, and moronic policies have made our country vulnerable.” Bush, she said, had proven himself a coward who cares little about the troops in Iraq.
“I hate to be harsh,” she said, “but we’re not accepting any excuses for not bringing our troops home.”
But Sheehan isn’t stopping her critique with Bush. On the contrary, she has begun to set her sights on Congress and the Democratic Party as well. When she spoke in Brooklyn on the night before, she took note of the fact that Senator Hillary Clinton voted to authorize Bush to use force in Iraq and– like most Senate Democrats–has done little to bring the troops home. Clinton, in fact, has filed legislation calling for more troops.
In an interview after her speech, Sheehan told the Voice she was “so frustrated” by leading Democrats like Clinton “who should be leaders on this issue, but are not.” Already, she has set up a future meeting with New York’s junior senator this weekend. And she plans to sit down with the state’s senior senator, Chuck Schumer, too. “It’s time for them to step up and be the opposition party,” she said. “This war is not going to end unless the Democrats are on board with us.”
It is about time for all elected officials to announce their stands - continue the war or pull the troops out within months rather than years. It is time for elected officials to listen to their constituents. It is time for those who won't listen to step aside. It is time to govern FOR and WITH the people - rather than with lobbyists for the benefit of corporate wallets.

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