- Peace Garden: Increase the Troops

Increase the Troops

Friday, November 17, 2006

Well it seems that the Iraq Study Group's plan has been leaked.

Because President Bush is rumored to be taking the Iraq Study Group's recommendations very seriously, the content below may be as good an indicator of where Iraq policy is headed as we could possibly have. Worth a read. The points are:
(1) Point one of the strategy calls for an increase rather than a decrease in overall US force levels inside Iraq, possibly by as many as 20,000 soldiers.
Sure there are more points in the article, but after point 1 who the hell cares. This group, W's group and the military are all in agreement:
...the US and its allies must make "a last big push" to win the war in Iraq...
I guess what we want doesn't matter. Let's hope Congress finds its balls to stop this!

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