- Peace Garden: W's plan?

W's plan?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pentagon's Plan: More US Troops in Iraq
As President Bush weighs new policy options for Iraq, strong support has coalesced in the Pentagon behind a military plan to "double down" in the country with a substantial buildup in American troops, an increase in industrial aid and a major combat offensive against Muqtada Sadr, the radical Shiite leader impeding development of the Iraqi government.

The approach overlaps somewhat a course promoted by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz). But the Pentagon proposals add several features, including the confrontation with Sadr, a possible renewed offensive in the Sunni stronghold of Al Anbar province, a large Iraqi jobs program and a proposal for a long-term increase in the size of the military.
What a plan! Brilliant! If this is done I see a bright future for IMPEACHMENT. W, please follow their suggestion - please!

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