- Peace Garden: Obama Is Leading the U.S. Into a Hellish Quagmire

Obama Is Leading the U.S. Into a Hellish Quagmire

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Obama Is Leading the U.S. Into a Hellish Quagmire:

Obama is doubling down in Afghanistan with more troops deployed now than the Soviets ever had, at a time when public support for it is sinking like a rock.

Why hasn't anyone pointed out that America's troop commitment now exceeds the Red Army's? For some inexplicable reason the corporate media has decided to shuffle the figures and exclude the US military contractors from the total figure of US military personnel. It makes no logical sense -- we still count the Hessians among the British forces in the War of Independence. It's as if the only thing left that Americans are capable of is accounting fraud -- the only talent we perfected over the past decade was how to move all the bad numbers off the official books, as if it's become an instinctive reflex.

The Afghanistan War has somehow escaped most of America's attention.

Time to bring attention to this issue. Time to end both wars.

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