- Peace Garden: Shootout at the W Corral ?

Shootout at the W Corral ?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Things spin rapidly in the bowels of W's regime HQ. Paul Bremer talks about the low level of troops, but the next day he recants the statement. Rummy says that he has not seen any intelligence linking Saddam to Al Qaeda. Then he tries to change what he said, or what we heard. Now the chief WMD inspector states that there were no WMDes and as a matter of fact bio and chemical weapons were last produced in 1991. So what is going on? Are the rats abandoning ship. We know head rats like Condi "Lizard Face" Rice, Paul "Satan's Little Helper" Wolfowitz, Dick "Just call me Lucifer" Cheney and W will be on the ship to the end. They will be standing on the shoulders of FOX pundits. So why is Rummy and Bremer taking like this? I think there are 2 possibilities: 1) What they are saying is the TRUTH. They simply had a slip of the tongue - a Freudian slip. They were caught and the principal made them recant and look like a**holes, or 2) They are hedging their bets on this election. They want to set themselves up as the "not so bad guys". Remember they will have to find new jobs and also come up with a defense if this administration is ever taken to task (and court) for the lies and atrocities they perpetrated. My money is on the former reason.

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