- Peace Garden: Jonathan Tasini For New York

Jonathan Tasini For New York

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Jonathan Tasini has announced his campaign for NY U.S. Senate. Jonathan offers:

My position is a responsible one: the troops must be brought home now. It is the best solution for our country and for Iraq. I reject the myths that have been promoted against proponents of withdrawal.
My opponent voted for the war and supports the idea that there is a "winning" strategy for the war.
My positions are consistent with what the majority of New Yorkers believe. My opponent is out-of-step with New Yorkers throughout the state.
The Iraq war has cost the lives of more than 2,100 American men and women, and many more thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children.
His opponent? Senator Clinton. This may stop her slide to the right of Genghis Khan. This may start other Dems thinking too.

Good luck Jonathan.

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