- Peace Garden: New Methods Needed

New Methods Needed

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fata toughest challenge for Obama, says Holbrooke

The newly-appointed US special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, has said that the Obama administration had to face many tough challenges with regard to the war in Afghanistan and global peace but the toughest was the insurgent sanctuaries in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

He said the situation in Afghanistan was far from hopeless. But as the war enters its eighth year, Americans should be told the truth: it will last a long time — longer than the United States’ longest war to date, the 14-year conflict (1961-75) in Vietnam. Success will require new policies with regard to four major problem areas: the tribal areas in Pakistan, the drug lords who dominate the Afghan system, the national police, and the incompetence and corruption of the Afghan government.

A New Policy? How about stopping the drone missiles and the black ops operations in Pakistan?

Does he really think we welcome the thought of this "war" lasting a long-time? And this is our diplomat?

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