This Modern World has an hysterical strip. But also sad because it's true.
Maybe it's the mood I am in but I am very disheartened, troubled and vexed by the rightwing nuts out here. Reading other blogs, I am afraid of their vitriol - their hatred of "all" Muslims, their willingness to condone sterotyping, the willingness to glorify killing...
Tom Tomorrow is absolutely right. When they argue they use "any tenuous excuse to seize the moral high ground...concede nothing...grandstand...change the subject utterly shameless."
And from the look of blogs and comments it is getting worse. They are taking their cue and they are learning from Hannity and O'Reilly. Their "M.O." - put down your "opposition" or just say "I have no time to deal with you."
I am not saying that I or like minded souls like me are "saints" or perfect. But I have to say that I feel we appreciate other's opinions (cultures). I wish everyone would. EVERYONE has a right to their opinion and a right to life. Let us stop condemning entire civilizations, races, creeds.... Let us respect all - let us earn the respect of others.