- Peace Garden: Random Rants and Raves

Random Rants and Raves

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Well Hannity, O'Reilly, Malkin and friends are having a field day crucifying two men: Eason Jordan for his "journalists are targeted" remarks and Ward Churchill. Watched C-Span last night that had a talk by Churchill - He is definitely a little rough around the edges. Churchill is taking a lot of heat because of an essay he wrote right after 9-11. In so many words he laid some of the blame on us. He went far, in some respects, by calling victims "little Eichmans". But when you read his comments there are many points that any thoughtful rational person would agree with. But even if you do not agree with him in a single aspect, we all must admit that he has a right to his ideas and is free to express them. Just wish folks would let up a little on him. It is called Freedom of Speech.

So North Korea has nukes - I think we all knew that. And they say they are for defensive purposes to protect themselves against us. Well is it any wonder? We called them an Axis of Evil and just about declared open war on them. Wouldn't you be a little rattled too? But now poor W has to shift his focus just a little from Iraq, Iran and Syria to North Korea. Afghanistan and bin Laden? They haven't been on W's list for a long time. I'm waiting for the report that North Korea has saddam's WMD's. So what to do with North Korea? It's called Diplomacy. Remember the post a few days ago about Oreos? Did you see how much the "Evil" ones spend on defense compared to us? I think North Korea is upping the bargaining chips. Well it is in the world's best interest to listen.

Joey "I'm one with W" Lieberman was on Hannity radio again. He is becoming a regular - I hope Sean offers him a job after he loses his Senate seat. He talked about North Korea and stressed the idea that we have to find a way for regime change. We always call for regime change when it suits us. Can't we learn to deal with all people? Wasn't there a book about dealing with "difficult people"? Maybe Joey and W should curl up in front of a fire and read a few chapters to each other.

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