- Peace Garden: Syria Stops Cooperating With U.S. Forces and C.I.A.

Syria Stops Cooperating With U.S. Forces and C.I.A.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Syria Stops Cooperating With U.S. Forces and C.I.A. Is it any wonder? The sabres are rattling. Opeartion Matador was a dress rehearsal. All signs indicate a go condition.

"Bush administration officials said Syria's stance has prompted intense debate at high levels in the administration about new steps that might be taken against the Syrian government. The officials said the options included possible military, diplomatic or economic action. But senior Pentagon and military officials cautioned Monday that if any military action was eventually ordered, it was likely to be limited to insurgent movements along the border."

Hey we are getting our permanent bases in Afghanistan and Iraq. Why not Syria?

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