- Peace Garden: Tension - Elevated levels

Tension - Elevated levels

Monday, May 16, 2005

Secretary Rice, during her MidEast visits accomplished two things:
1) Setting the stage for a long occupation by stating that we are there until Iraqi forces can defend themselves. That will be the 12th of frigging never. 2) Setting the stage for our excellent adventures into Syria. War of words increases, tensions increase as Operation Matador seems to be over (for now).

Okay, so Newsweek recanted their story. But let's look at recent history. Abu Ghraib showed us that when it comes to human decency some troops/guards are pretty clueless. Descrecrating a Koran - possible when our leader is calling the war on terror a crusade.

And finally - can't wait for Star Wars. Even more excited after Lucas' comments today quoted by CNN:

"Star Wars" director George Lucas says that although he wrote the original film during the Vietnam War, his six-part saga could apply to the war in Iraq.
''In terms of evil, one of the original concepts was how does a democracy turn itself into a dictatorship,'' Lucas told a news conference at Cannes, where his final episode had its world premiere.
''The parallels between what we did in Vietnam and what we're doing in Iraq now are unbelievable.
''On the personal level it was how does a good person turn into a bad person, and part of the observation of that is that most bad people think they are good people, they are doing it for the right reasons,'' he added.

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