Oneness - No Borders
Friday, July 15, 2005
The Chopra Center's July message is about being One. A message of no borders....
Imagine if everything in the universe was simply a part of something larger...This was part of the message of "Lennon". This is part of the message of so many seeking peace, justice, environmental sanity...
Imagine if the sky, the oceans, animals, people, stars, trees, clouds, the moon, even insects were all one. Upon closer examination, we would realize that so many of the boundaries that we create around those things are artificial and contrived.
The borders between countries; the boundaries we create between nationalities, skin color, language, eye color, even gender...all turn our natural one-ness into many-ness. Perhaps that makes the magnificent concept of oneness easier to understand and accept. In his letter, David asks us to ponder, "Is a wave separate from the ocean in which it dances?" Everything is one. We are all one.