- Peace Garden: Nut cases are nut cases

Nut cases are nut cases

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Religious fanatics are found in all nations, under all creeds... It seems Pat Robertson and W have much in common with their sworn enemies.

Pat Robertson and 20 million American fundamentalists are not alone.
The new president of Iran also believes that the end of the world is nigh and "believers" can help speed it up. His government has now allocated millions of dollars for the Jamkaran mosque to help believers prepare for the event. It is staffed by the Bright Future Institute, which fields inquiries and prepares Iranians for the end of this world and eternal life in the next. Among Muslims, especially Shias, much attention is given to this coming battle between good and evil: some 20 percent of the population in Iran is reported to believe in an Armageddon-type scenario – except the roles are reversed, with America representing evil. The ascetic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lives so modestly that his only declared assets include a 30-year-old car and a small house, and no money in a bank account.
Muslims also believe in Jesus Christ, called Issa or the Maseeh (Messiah), and the Second Coming. It is indeed a foreboding confluence of interests.
Why is it that the entire world has to suffer because of the crazy beliefs of others? Based on this article, we can see that Iran, the U.S. and Israel are on the road to make their "rapture times" a reality.
It is indeed an irony that today, at the beginning of the 21st century, America, Iran, and Israel all have governments heavily influenced by fanatical religious fundamentalists. The rest of the world should be aware and wary.
Maybe Marx was right about religion.

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