- Peace Garden

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Help make the world a better place by using the tools provided by Global MindShift.

The new, emerging worldview is characterized by an ever-expanding perspective. For the first time in history, the knowledge of our evolutionary story has given us empirical validation of what ancient wisdom traditions have long taught: that all life, all space and all time is interconnected and interdependent. Our challenge is to open up to this broader perspective to construct a new way of thinking and acting.
We've identified four "thinking" tools that we find helpful in learning to develop and participate in this emergent worldview.
1. Become present. Live life conscious of your evolutionary context and its personal implications.
2. Become authentic. Honor your evolutionary inheritance, and fulfill your evolutionary potential for the wellbeing of all.
3. Become inclusive. Evolution advances through collaboration. Learn how to see from another's perspective - and in the process open up a new, creative world of possibility.
4. Become responsible. By being present, authentic, and inclusive, you will have the ability to respond creatively to whatever comes your way.

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