- Peace Garden: See no Evil...

See no Evil...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Blind Man Project has a great PSA (click on "The Spot").

Why we did it?
In our consumer societies, where over-commercialization of needs and desires is routine, most people do not actively think about what is happening in the world around them, where many struggle with issues far more basic and serious than theirs. Think of Africa or Near East, for example, where thousands of people die everyday as a result of hunger or disease. Think of Bosnia and Rwanda where ethnic intolerance and civil war has claimed the lives of numerous innocent civilians. Are these problems so distant that they do not touch us at all? Maybe. But it should not be like that as we believe that the future of our planet is directly related to the way we treat each other.
Our story, the Blind Man, will contribute to the fight against apathy by encouraging people to think about and react to issues such as hunger, poverty and violence in the world.
A brilliant PSA that really touches on today's society. Blind to violence, lies, suffering...

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