The Crystal Ball...
Monday, August 16, 2004
Common Dreams has a great article on the upcoming October surprise. If W has any shot at this election either the majority of voters have to fall for the lies (that could happen) or he has to pull a rabbit out of the hat. It seems the favorite rabbit notion is that Bin Laden is brought forward. The idea that he has already been captured has been around for a bit. My money is on a "terrorist" act. Whether it be true or not - something will happen to scare the population and set W up as our savior and protector. It could even be a true attack - I firmly believe that groups we label as terrorists love W. With him in office with his strong-arm diplomacy, they don't have to spend any energy on recruiting volunteers. The volunteers are knockiung on the door waiting to enter and give their life for the "cause".
The second article is about the war policies of Bush and Kerry. I think this really expresses my view that both Kerry and Bush are out of step. W-I could expect it from, but I am disappointed in Kerry. The way the anti-war sentiment was handled or pushed aside at the Dem convention was disconcerting. While I am sure that he would be better than W, I wish Kerry would take a more pro-active role in discussing peace and leading this nation towards diplomacy rather than force.