- Peace Garden: Fear!


Thursday, August 05, 2004

Terror alerts! Orange alerts! Potential bombings and chemical attacks! It really is amazing as we open the paper, turn on the radio or TV, or visit some new website – fear, fear, fear. Who knows if this latest Code Orange Plus for specific buildings in NYC and DC is legitimate or a political ploy? I wouldn’t put it past the Bush regime to issue this warning to create fear and apprehension just in time for the election and so perfectly timed to coincide with the Dem Convention. I am looking forward to walking with Peaceful Tomorrows (http://peacefultomorrows.org) and Stonewalk in a few weeks. I hope that open hearts and minds will meet the walk. I am disheartened that the local media has not picked up on this beyond the one small article a few weeks back. If anyone should be listened to it is this group. They have lost so much yet they seek a peaceful path to solving the world’s problems. Heartwarming. I wonder what Bush, Ashcroft, and the others think about this group. Anyone who questions the war is on the verge of being labeled a terrorist. I will be proud to walk with the group. I will be overjoyed to lend my voice, by arms and legs to their walk.

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