- Peace Garden: FBI Wants Greater Search Powers

FBI Wants Greater Search Powers

Thursday, April 07, 2005

FBI Wants Greater Search Powers relates to Gonzales and Mueller asking for a renewal of the Patriot Act.

"Among the controversial provisions is a section permitting secret warrants for "books, records, papers, documents and other items" from businesses, hospitals and other organizations. That section is known as the "library provision" by its critics. While it does not specifically mention bookstores or libraries, critics say the government could use it to subpoena library and bookstore records and snoop into the reading habits of innocent Americans. Gonzales told lawmakers Tuesday the provision has been used 35 times, but never to obtain library, bookstore, medical or gun sale records."

Sure not yet, but just wait. Hey what did we expect when Gonzales, hero of Abu Ghraib, was nominated and approved. Torture and the Patriot Act - just two tricks in his bag.

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