- Peace Garden: Iraqi Communist Party

Iraqi Communist Party

Sunday, February 05, 2006

W's friends?
Yes, our war-lord's actions are supported by the Iraqi Communist Party. What will Hannity, Limbaugh and Robertson say about this? Are we in league with the original "Groupies for Satan" (at least that is how they are viewed by thr rightwing)?

The party's statement includes:

...we believe that calling for their immediate withdrawal does not take into consideration the sharp current polarization in our country, the existence of paramilitary organizations, and the insufficient preparedness of the Iraqi security forces. Hence we call for a timetable for withdrawal together with doubling the efforts to provide the internal political, institutional and security conditions for this withdrawal.
We hope that the anti-war forces take into consideration the complexities of the situation in Iraq. At the same time, we respect the right of all parties and organizations in the countries that have sent troops in Iraq to call for their speedy withdrawal. It is their own internal affair, while we too reserve the right to formulate our own position in accordance with what we consider to be in the interests of our country.
Okay, you caught me stretching it slightly. W wouldn't agree with them either. Timetable? Hell, the only timetables W is dealing with are the tiemtables to complete our permanent bases in Iraq- so we can deal with the next timetable: Operation Iran.

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