- Peace Garden: So what did we learn...

So what did we learn...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

during last night's State of the Union?

  1. W and his speechwriters love labels? Last few times it was evildoers, and axis of evil -now the buzzword is "isolationists"
  2. We'll be in Iraq as long as W is around.
  3. W is not too good with math. With the hole our economy is in, with the expense of our war machine, and with tax cuts he wants to spend more on alternative energy projects. Where will the money come from? Hey I am the first to applaud the use of solar, wind, etc. but why wait for 6 to 20 years. Why didn't he talk about raising vehicle mileage standards or promoting conservation? Two NOW plans. Also interesting that a prezident who has contributed to so many environmental blunders is trying to appear GREEN (we won't be fooled).
  4. The United States mission is to spread democracy around the world. When the USSR tried to spread Communism, we were outraged, Why is it any different when we become the proselytizer?
  5. Elections are good But only if you dip your finger in ink and we could use that image to our benefit. An election that votes in a Chavez or a Hamas government is BAD.
  6. Wearing a political statement on your sheet is considered a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Just ask Cindy Sheehan.

Speaking of Sheehan - love her comments after her arrest.

What did Casey die for? What did the 2244 other brave young Americans die for? What are tens of thousands of them over there in harm's way for still? For this? I can't even wear a shrit that has the number of troops on it that George Bush and his arrogant and ignorant policies are responsible for killing. It is time to take our freedoms and our country back. I don't want to live in a country that prohibits any person, whether he/she has paid the ulitmate price for that country, from wearing, saying, writing, or telephoning any negative statements about the government. That's why I am going to take my freedoms and liberties back. That's why I am not going to let Bushco take anything else away from me...or you.

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