- Peace Garden: Iran claims US has offered peace talks

Iran claims US has offered peace talks

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Iran claims US has offered peace talks.

A senior Iranian intelligence official showed Channel 4 News a letter in Persian purportedly signed by Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador in Baghdad, inviting Iranian representatives to Iraq for talks. Last November Khalilzad — who speaks Persian and dealt with the Iranians during negotiations over Afghanistan — said he had been authorised by President George W Bush to try to engage Iran and that its co-operation was needed to secure long-term peace in Iraq. The Iranian official claimed the invitation was renewed two weeks ago, just as America ratcheted up the rhetoric over Iran’s nuclear programme. A source close to the Iranian government said Tehran was open to a meeting but it would have to be in a neutral country. While the Americans would like to limit discussions to Iraq, the Iranians hoped this might eventually enable them to have a dialogue about the nuclear programme.
Is our regime becoming rational? Or is this some big ploy to show how peaceful we are - right before the bombs are dropped? Let's hope it is the former.

Interesting that the piece talks about "peace talks." You have to be at war to have peace talks, don't you? Well I guess we know the answer to the question - Who's next?

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