- Peace Garden: Powder Kegs...

Powder Kegs...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Those we are sitting on and already lit the fuse: Afghanistan and Iraq.

Those we probably lit because of W's recent trip: India and Pakistan (Nuclear gift for one and not the other)

Those we are getting ready to light: Iran and Syria

Those kegs we are watching but can screw up any time we want: Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia...

Those that are blowing up already but we don't care: Sudan and any other African nation that doesn't have oil.

So let's have a little bet on the Iran fuse. Give us your best guess as to when the fuse will be lit. The winner will get - well there really isn't a prize. But we can all congratulate the winner as we raise our voices in disgust (for the war machine) and fear (for this world's future).

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