- Peace Garden: A somber Earth Day?

A somber Earth Day?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Earth Day in CT was rather bleak. Rain, though much needed, kept many indoors. And even those who ventured out were thinking about other matters. As we are all trying to be the environmentalists through conservation, we all face an Earth threatened by more wars and bigger (more devastating) bombs. Maybe yesterday's Earth Day should have been called "No Divine Strake" Day. Rather than raising our voices and hands in respect of the Earth, our fists should have been raised against the new god...

Common Dreams has an excellent article about W's new God - the Divine Mushroom Cloud.

On June 2nd the god of America will be paraded before the people of the earth causing them to tremble in fear. Americans will again marvel as they worship the god of their own creation. Just like the restless Israelites in the desert who grew inpatient with god and fashioned a golden calf to protect them we have grown inpatient with god and fashioned a shiny idol of power. Southern Methodist University is working with the new clergy of death who have named the idol Divine Strake.
The 700 tons of explosives designed to simulate the effects of a nuclear weapon will create a glorious mushroom cloud. The goal of the ammonium nitrate and fuel to be detonated on Shoshone land will cover Las Vegas with a mushroom cloud and will measure 3.5 on the Richter scale. Some believe it is in violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty which banned all testing for nuclear weapons. This simulated explosion will show the "enemy" and the war planners how the real thing will impact the ground and the air in which a nuclear bomb is detonated. Specifically, it is designed to simulate using a tactical nuclear weapon on underground facilities like the ones we are told exist in Iran. If this were the real thing the death toll would be huge, people would be incinerated in a flash with no chance to "duck and cover", much of Nevada would be contaminated with radiation. For any who might survive in the surrounding area they would experience a curse of cancers and deformities which may effect their children and their children's children. The evidence of America's idolatry is clear. We have named it Divine, worship it in our churches and trust in its power.
The names for our God used to be the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace but the names of America's idol are Divine Hates, Divine Helcat, Divine War Hawk and we practice nuclear stockpile stewardship.
It may not be global warming that changes the Earth. It may not be the environmental destruction from our consumerism and abuse of fossil fuels that is our death knell. The Earth's death and ours may be the result of one lunatic ready and willing to press that "nuclear" button for the second time in history.

It may well be the last time.

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