- Peace Garden: The Wisdom of Zbigniew

The Wisdom of Zbigniew

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski states:

"In the absence of an imminent threat (with the Iranians at least several years away from having a nuclear arsenal), the attack would be a unilateral act of war. If undertaken without formal Congressional declaration, it would be unconstitutional and merit the impeachment of the President. "
Most strikingly, Brzezinski wonders whether the Bush administration’s current strategy is actually designed to “deliberately encourag[e] greater Iranian intransigence” and undercut chances of reaching a diplomatic solution:
"How else to explain the current U.S. “negotiating” stance: the United States is refusing to participate in the on-going negotiations with Iran but insists on dealing only through proxies. That stands in sharp contrast with the simultaneous negotiations with North Korea, in which the United States is actively engaged."
"At the same time, the United States is allocating funds for the destabilization of the Iranian regime and is reportedly injecting Special Forces teams into Iran to stir up non-Iranian ethnic minorities in order to fragment the Iranian state (in the name of democratization!)."
Thanks Zbig for joining the chorus of the sane.

Gee, do we have to wait for the bombs to drop to impeach?

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