The King is dead, long live the King...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The "termination" of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will surely be a poll number boost for W. He should see a spike in numbers over the next few days until the killings and bombs continue. Does W and his believers really think that "terminating" this one man will bring peace? Doesn't he realize that someone else will rise up and take his place? Someone else will put on a mask and behead a victim on tape. Someone else will orchestrate a series of killings to proclaim themselves as the new boss.
A few points in the polls, but more deaths on the horizon.
I think that Michael Berg, the father of Nick Berg who was beheaded by Zarqawi(he was at least accused of being the machete wielder) on tape, had the most rational statement to date:
“ sense of relief, just sadness that another human being had to die.”
“As the poet John Donne said, any man’s death diminishes me. It doesn’t bring my son back, and this will just bring a new cycle of revenge killings.”