- Peace Garden: Bush: Sheehan strategy would weaken U.S. - Conflict in Iraq

Bush: Sheehan strategy would weaken U.S. - Conflict in Iraq

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bush is ready to blame Sheehan and anyone else against this war for the failure and craziness of this war.

President Bush charged Tuesday that anti-war protesters like Cindy Sheehan who want troops brought home immediately do not represent the views of most U.S. military families and are “advocating a policy that would weaken the United States.
That's right, they are the ones who created the terrorist training ground in Iraq since our invasion. They invaded Iraq and created a situation of death for their own children. They are rattling the sabres at Iran and Syria. They lied to get us involved in Iraq. Right?

No, W. Any weakening has been caused by your cowboy antics, your lies, your ill-conceived foreign policy. Let us not blame those who see wrongs and try to right them. Let us join them in their quest for truth, justice and peace.

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