- Peace Garden: Friend or foe?

Friend or foe?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era concerns the tactics of our Iraqi friends.

Up to 60% of the estimated 12,000 detainees in the country's prisons and military compounds face intimidation, beatings or torture that leads to broken bones and sometimes death, said Saad Sultan, head of a board overseeing the treatment of prisoners at the Human Rights Ministry. He added that police and security forces attached to the Interior Ministry are responsible for most abuses.
The units have used tactics reminiscent of Saddam Hussein's secret intelligence squads, according to the ministry and independent human rights groups and lawyers, who have cataloged abuses.
"We've documented a lot of torture cases," said Sultan, whose committee is pushing for wider access to Iraqi-run prisons across the nation. "There are beatings, punching, electric shocks to the body, including sensitive areas, hanging prisoners upside down and beating them and dragging them on the ground…. Many police officers come from a culture of torture from their experiences over the last 35 years. Most of them worked during Saddam's regime."
One of the reasons the rightwing states that we invaded Iraq was because of the "Butcher of Baghdad's" tactics. I have a great idea, we are already there - let's show our disgust by leaving now.

But not to worry, W has everything under control. He defended his actions by asking everyone to "look at the facts" - we do W and that's why we say "Out Now!" But he reassured everyone by stating:

“I think about Iraq every day. Every single day, because I understand we have troops in harm’s way.”
Doesn't it just warm your hearts knowing that he thinks about it every single day - hey but it is his job. And we know that it is hard work - W has told us again and again. Just think, we the voters are his boss - what would you do if you worker messed things up. lied to you, lost the company some major revenue, lost some company goodwill...

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