- Peace Garden: You're Fired!

You're Fired!

Friday, June 24, 2005

What is General Abizaid up to? Contradicting Uncle Dick. Is he crazy or looking to be fired?

Canada's Globe and Mail reports that Gen. Abizaid "conceded yesterday that the Iraqi insurgency is as strong as it was six months ago, countering declarations by Vice President Dick Cheney that the revolt is 'in its last throes.' "
"In terms of the overall strength of the insurgency, I'd say it's about the same as it was," he said, declining to specifically criticize Mr. Cheney's upbeat assessment of the continuing conflict.
Gen. Abizaid also said that there are more foreign fighters entering Iraq today than there were six months ago.
I love Dick's lesson about the English language:
When asked to explain the contradiction between his earlier statements and those of Gen. Abizaid. Mr. Cheney told CNN it all depends what you mean by "throes."
"If you look at what the dictionary says about throes, it can still be a violent period, the throes of a revolution," he said. "The point would be that the conflict will be intense, but it's intense because the terrorists understand that if we're successful at accomplishing our objective – standing up a democracy in Iraq – that that's a huge defeat for them.
You know that may be our whole problem. Some of us speak a language different than W and Dick. Their "Mission accomplished" means "It's still a bleak future". "Elected" means "stolen". "Truth" means "Lies". "War" means "Peace." Orwellian times are here.

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