- Peace Garden: Michael Savage is NUTS

Michael Savage is NUTS

Thursday, June 09, 2005

On the way home tonight- fighting traffic - I caught some minutes of Michael Savage's radio show. I was switching to local stations for traffic reports - I should have listened to Savage for a good laugh. The points I caught were:
(1)Amnesty International's leader is a Communist - Savage called him that after playing a clip of Amnesty's head talking about the torture at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib and asking that W be held accountable, and
(2)Savage blames the increase in "radical liberalism" on drug use, particularly the use of marijuana.

Ah yes. "Reefer Madness" and McCarthyism. Next thing you know old Mike will be telling us to build some fallout shelters in our backyards.

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