- Peace Garden: June 2005: Phase II of the Anti-War Movement

June 2005: Phase II of the Anti-War Movement

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Medea Benjamin of CodePink writes about the progress of the protests and the slipping of W and his regime.She points to

"...two liberal Democrats-Dennis Kucinich from Ohio and Neil Abercrombie from Hawaii-with Republican libertarian Ron Paul from Texas and even more astonishing, conservative Republican Walter Jones from North Carolina-the very same congressman who pushed the House cafeterias to scrap "French fries" from the menu and serve up "freedom fries."
She points to the "Out of Iraq" Caucus, the latest polls, Memogate.
It (June 16) was quite a day, and all of us left with a renewed sense of possibilities and responsibilities. The peace movement, demoralized after the unsuccessful efforts to both stop the war and get George Bush out of office, must lift itself out of the doldrums and into the streets and the corridors of power. We must push our representatives to sign on to the new legislation, keep demanding an investigation into the Downing Street Memo, and pressure the media to cover these new developments in a serious, respectful way. We should march in July 4 parades with the "Bring the Troops Home" message, reinvigorate our local vigils, step up the counter-recruitment efforts that are making it so difficult for the military to get enough new soldiers for this war. And the next big anti-war mobilization scheduled for September 24 in Washington DC, coupled with lobbying on September 26, must be huge.
We've got new momentum. Now let's ride the wave.
Better late than never to jump on the bandwagon and call for an end to the occupation. Join the call to bring the troops home.

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