- Peace Garden: Is Iran Next?: The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target -- In These Times

Is Iran Next?: The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target -- In These Times

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

...Read the article and be afraid - very afraid. I have been saying that Iran is next. Just look at what the media is touting lately - Iran's missile test, Iranina clerics' influence in southern Iraq.... Of course, they are one of the Axes of Evil characters. Why not attack them too. Tomorrow night's debate will be very interesting. I hope they ask the question of "who's next?". Of course we will never hear that question. We probably will not hear, from Kerry, that he will start pulling troops out in 30 days. It is beginning to look like a no-win situation - but clearly a lesser of two evils. If W wins we stay in Iraq, get involved in Iran, and then get involved with Syria. If Kerry wins we stay in Iraq. But why stay there? It clearly is becoming a focus of "terrorists". But not necessarily Al Quaeda. Instead we are in the middle of Sunni (Baath) groups who want to return back to power or at least avoid a Shiite-run government. The Shiite, as the majority and based on religious fervor, want control. The only group we are not battling, at least for now, are the Kurds. We called ourselves liberators, but now we are occupiers who have set up a puppet government. The solution - announce a pull-out and begin to DO IT! Do not necessarily abandon Iraq but get the UN involved. To get them interested Iraq cannot be our 51st state. W's companies cannot be taking the money out of Iraq. Foreign nations have to become involved in rebuilding projects, police and military training....

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