- Peace Garden: So Rather is being dragged

So Rather is being dragged

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

through the streets and has been villified by everyone. This is the perfect opportunity for W and his cronies and he is taking full advantage of the situation. With the media's attention focused on CBS and "Memo-gate", little attention is paid to the important issues of Iraq, unemployment, nuclear proliferation, environmental degradation... Why can't the media spend time on Bush and Kerry's differences and similarities as it relates to the important issues? Why can't we have some real news and important news about Iraq rather than Britney Spear's marriage or her pre-nup. Is she more important than the lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan (on both sides)? Based on the TV news and papers, she is. Are the majority of citizens so superficial that they are more interested in her or Trump's hair than what is happening to the U.S. and the world? It is time to wake up America. QUESTION authority, QUESTION the talking heads, QUESTION everything. MAKE up your own minds. Do not be lemmings. DEMAND the truth, DEMAND real news. DEMAND full coverage of the issues. Knowing about Britney's wedding will not affect your future. But knowing what is going on in Iraq or in Congress will.

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