- Peace Garden: A photo finish!!!

A photo finish!!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Tomorrow's the big day!! Get away the internet and your TV and go vote.

I have been very surprised and embarrassed to say that my predictions of an October surprise didn't materialize. Sure there were dirty tricks, tapes, increased troop numbers,... but I was expecting an incursion into Iran. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy I was way off base.

There has been much speculation as to what will happen to all the political blogs after tomorrow. Well the rantings of this guy will remain. If W pulls it out, well you can see I am not a big fan so I will continue raving about my friend W. If Kerry wins I will stick around and push for peace and progressive ideals (he needs a big push). This blog never had as its sole goal the election of Kerry or the defeat of W. Loftier and more idealistic goals prevail.

There is still much work to be done to move this country in a new direction. Our work must be to change this country from its fear, revenge and war-footing to paths of justice and peace.

Have fun(?) watching the returns.

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