Rush Limbaugh - A Great American?
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Rush is a great thinker, a great man, a great American, a great humanitarian..... But really folks.
He clearly hates the NY Times, the Red Cross, but loves to torture those "evil-doers". Pop another pill Rush. Oh wait, based on his last insincere and outright "wrong" paragraph, he already has.
This just confirms everything I've always said. The bad guys get all the girls! How many of you guys out there have to beg for these kinds of sexual overtones out there in your daily lives? And here these prisoners are having it for nothing while sitting in their underwear with rock music, rap music, and strobe lights and the air conditioning turned up -- and this merits a huge big story in the New York Times about how inhumane we are.Rush, not everyone likes to sit in a cell with AC, strobe lights, blaring rock and rap music, and the fear (and reality) that the next hour you may have to face some physical or emotional abuse. We know you must. But we really don't want to think of you sitting there in your underwear.