- Peace Garden: Letter From Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Letter From Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

President of Iran wrote to W. Of course the White House objected to it immediately. Why it contains words like:

...genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets...
The people are disgusted with increasing corruption.
We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point – that is the Almighty God. Undoubtedly through faith in God and the teachings of the prophets, the people will conquer their problems. My question for you is: do you not want to join them?
I am disgusted by this letter to. How dare Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad refer to W as "Your Excellency." Disgusted, outraged. W is not a king or monarch (though 31% think he is). Let's call W what he is - W! And what does W stand for? Whacko, Wierdo, Wrong!

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