- Peace Garden: Make Me an Instrument of Peace

Make Me an Instrument of Peace

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Make Me an Instrument of Peace is the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Love this prayer/poem. Cindy Sheehan adressed the Spiritual Activism Conference and used the prayer and Francis as a model of living.

Good people have followed in the tradition of St. Francis and one does not have to be a practicing Catholic, or a practicing anything, to appreciate the words of St. Francis. I think the Peace Community who takes Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, and Henry David Thoreau rightly as its icons can also look to St. Francis for guidance and inspiration.
She further goes on commenting on the lines of the prayer:
Being an instrument of peace is immensely more important than working for peace. Our entire lives must radiate this peace. We must be peace to have peace. I am coming into an understanding of this as I strive for true and lasting peace. Being anti-war is not enough. If we are solely anti-war, when the war is over the movement will be over. While we are congratulating ourselves on our victories for bringing the troops home, our government in cahoots with the war machine (I am also beginning to understand that the war machine and the government are two different sides of the same worthless coin) is already planning the next war and the next way to kill our children and spread death and destruction for profit!
So true. It is the same message as Gandhi, King...

Read her whole address. It's worth it.

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