- Peace Garden: Syria joins Iran on the list - Venezuela too?

Syria joins Iran on the list - Venezuela too?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Washington Times reports:

U.S. intelligence agencies suspect Syria was offered and received nuclear weapons technology from the covert Pakistani supplier group headed by A.Q. Khan, according to an intelligence report.
An annual report to Congress on arms proliferation states that Pakistani investigators have confirmed reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency that the Khan network "offered nuclear technology and hardware to Syria."
"We are concerned that expertise or technology could have been transferred," said the intelligence report, which is the first time the Bush administration has publicly linked Syria to Khan.
President Bush has said that the Khan network supplied nuclear goods to Libya, Iran and North Korea.
Wait a minute. We just took Libya off watch and put the screws to Venezuela today. News reports are also saying Venezuela and Iran are becoming "chummy." So with Libya our new friend, it seems a spot for Venezuela on the "Evil" list has opened up.

We need a program to figure out who the players and friends are. They change every day it seems.

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