- Peace Garden: U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

Friday, May 19, 2006

In his statement objecting to the Judiciary Committee's Handling of the Constitutional Amendment on Marriage Feingold says it all when he writer:

The Constitution of the United States is an historic guarantee of individual freedom. It has served as a beacon of hope, an example to people around the world who yearn to be free and to live their lives without government interference in their most basic human decisions. I took an oath when I joined this body to support and defend the Constitution. I will continue to fight this mean-spirited, divisive, poorly drafted, and misguided amendment when it comes to the Senate floor.”
W's regime has shred the Constitution in so many ways...from wiretaps to the lies leading to the war to W's monarchy-like proclamations of being above the law. The Constitution is tattered and torn. We all need to stand up and demand that W and all Washington abide by the Constitution. We must demand an end to monarchy and tyranny.

Is it 1776 all over again?

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