- Peace Garden: A Christmas Gift

A Christmas Gift

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Asia Times has an article talking about our next targets. Which country will be given to W as a Christmas present? What year will that gift be wrapped?

"Far more than the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the defeat of the mullahcracy and the triumph of freedom in Tehran would be a truly historic event." - Michael Ledeen, neo-conservative and member of the American Enterprise Institute, June 2003

So this is another piece about the Endtimes. Am I as obsessed with Iran, Syria, etc. as W and the neo-cons? Maybe, but I feel we all should be. These types of articles and analysis of our foreign policies never make FOX News or the New York Post. We have to look to Asia Times, the Guardian, The Nation, etc. to get this view and this type of news. Reading these articles about the neo-cons and reading their quotes clearly paints W and regime's words and actions in a different light. It is healthy to question this regime's action. It is wise to see what is really behind the policy set forth by W. It is our responsibility as a world citizen to see all sides of an issue.

So obsession? No! More like a desire for knowledge and truth...

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