- Peace Garden: Senator Byrd - Bravo

Senator Byrd - Bravo

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Senator Byrd of West Virgina gets the "Peace Garden's I've Got Balls" award. He spoke up on the Senate floor. He cited the hasty way the recently signed intelligence legislation was rammed through Congress.

"Instead, we are allowing ourselves to be lulled into the fallacious belief that we must accept this bill or risk its not passing next year, with some even suggesting that a terrorist attack could result without it. That's nonsense, and don't you believe it. No legislation, alone, can forestall a terrorist attack on our country."

"By passing this bill today, the Senate will be giving political cover to those who wish to dismiss calls for more thorough reform of intelligence agencies to fix problems that are not addressed in the legislation, including the Iraq WMD fiasco and the abuse of prisoners in secret detention facilities. "

Bravo Senator. Not afraid to talk about the Iraq War lies, the abuse of prisoners, the blurring of laws....

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